Who we are
Dana Johnson Accountant


XXM Crypto Accounting is a crypto-native accounting company.

Our team is committed to building bridge for crypto assets and professional accounting services, and to form trusted industry standards for the non-code side of the crypto world.

Our team is composed of certified public accountants, business due diligence analysts and blockchain data analysts.

We provide full-stack and customized crypto accounting services for crypto world, including on-chain and off-chain crypto auditing & accounting, deal advisory services, crypto accounting platform & tools, etc.

Our Mission

Our Mission

We help our clients identify their business and financial needs.

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Duis id tellus non leo porta ultricies efficitur non nunc. Suspendisse venenatis, lacus ac aliquam mollis, nisl risus maximus lectus, vitae faucibus lacus ante vel diam. Sed lectus purus, lobortis eu aliquet at, ullamcorper sed.

Meet the Team.

Irene Wong

Founding Partner


Founding Partner

Keith Wong

Founding Partner

Paul Zhang

Business Development Manager

Jericho Hung

Risk Management Principal